Orestis Konstantinidis Orestis Konstantinidis

PointObject for Cinema 4D


Updated to v002: Sept 1st 2021

PointObject is an object preset that converts Cinema 4D Generators to a normal Polygon object. This allows to access the geometry with normal tools, so we can paint vertex maps, make polygon selections and use fields on them.
It transfers the geometry and the first UV tag.

In order to use it, select the PointObject and move the source Generator into the Link Field.



  1. It will only work for single objects, so if you have a Generator that produces multiple objects like a Cloner, it needs to be dropped under a Connect Object first. Disable Welding, and drag & drop the Connect Object in the Field.

  2. It is executed in Generators 0 priority , so if you add expressions to it, such as vertex maps with fields, make sure to give them higher priority to work properly.

  3. You can disable or delete the python expression to “make it editable” and model on it.

  4. If you want to use a custom UV tag make sure you add it after the first one, since the first is being created by the expression.

  5. If you create selection tags, vertex maps etc. by hand, if the geometry changes they will get scrambled. That’s because they work based on index. If you want the geometry to be changing, use fields in these tags.


Known issues:

  1. If you select the first UV tag the attributes will disappear. That’s because the tag is being re-created to transfer the UVs from the generator.

If you find any bugs or would like to provide feedback, I made a Discord server for communication.

Feel free to spread the word. I’d love to see what you create, and to help the tool to reach more people. You can also check out my commercial products: https://www.orestiskon.com/products

This project wouldn’t be possible without the invaluable help of gr4ph0s.
It is MIT licensed and not offered with a warranty, please use it at your own risk.

Download PointObject here

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Orestis Konstantinidis Orestis Konstantinidis

C4D: Copy / Paste Materials script

CopyPaste Tags v002.gif

Working on a CAD project it happened that sometimes I needed to re-import the model with different settings and transfer the materials over. Doing it by hand is both time consuming and prone to errors, so I made a script for it.
This script copies the material tags from one hierarchy to another. It is named based, so it doesn’t require the objects to have the same hierarchical structure, it should work as long as the objects have the same name. It can work if multiple objects have the same name, as long as they’re in the right order.

Download the script HERE

To use it, first select the object to copy the materials from, then select the object to paste the materials to, and run the script.

If you find any bugs let me know and I’ll try to fix them.

Limitation: Currently it will not transfer selection tags, this could be added in a later version of the script.

Disclaimer: While I don’t expect any issues to arise, you are using this script “at your own risk”. I am not liable not responsible for any damages that may happen during its use.

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Orestis Konstantinidis Orestis Konstantinidis

Welcome to my Website

Welcome to my website

Finally got around to publish a website, and this is my first blog post! Not much else to say, other than welcome and feel free to look around.

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