The Auto-Overlap Tool

  • Easy to Use

    Apply it to multiple animated objects and Springy will automatically add overlap on their motion.

  • Non-Destructive

    Springy works procedurally and the original animation can be edited on the fly. It can also be applied to objects without keyframes or driven by expressions.

  • Directable

    Control the overlap with separate Position and Rotation control, exclude individual channels and fade it with Per Object Strength falloff.

    Multiple Springy Objects can be used simultaneously or even layered together on the same objects.

  • Adaptable

    Springy has parameters to fit different use-cases. In this example, there are long hierarchical chains which cause a very strong Cumulative effect, in which case it can be turned off.

    Other options include Spring or Smooth modes and Global or Local space.

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Mannequiny character by Luciano Muñoz





What versions of Cinema 4D does Springy support?

Springy supports Cinema 4D R20 until the most recent Cinema 4D R25.

Where can I find the End User Agreement?

You can find the EULA here.

What is Springy?

Springy is an expression that can automatically add overlap to the movement of objects. As with all expressions, it is executed based on its priority in the expression stack.

Can I use it with a Cloner?

No. MoGraph already has spring effects in the form of the Delay Effector or the Delay field. Springy is used on real-objects, not on virtual objects such as the clones of a cloner.

Should I bake it before rendering?

It is recommended to bake before a final render. Springy works dynamically and like any other dynamic effect it is best baked order to have the accurate, repeatable results.
The same goes if it’s going to be rendered on Team Render and Render Farms.

In order to bake it, select the objects affected by Springy and go to the Timeline -> Functions -> Bake Objects

What does the Initialize do?

It resets the initial state of the objects. This is used when for example adjusting the coordinates of objects that don’t have any keyframes. Make sure to click Initialize afterwards.

What is the Cumulative option?

When objects are inside a hierarchy the spring of the parent will affect the movement of the children. This can be taken into account with the Cumulative option.

If you want the objects to behave as if they are individuals, then you can turn this option off.

What is the Global Space option?

Springy calculates the overall movement of the object in Global Space. You can change this behavior and only calculate the Local movement of the object by turning this option off.

Why are rotation channels XYZ and not HPB?

Springy doesn’t use the Euler rotations (HPB), but it can still exclude rotations around an axis of the object. You can choose the axes to exclude with the XYZ checkboxes.

Can I use more than one Springy

Yes, you can use multiple Springies to target different objects, or to layer them one after another to achieve more complex effects.

Can I use Springy with thousands of objects?

Springy is best used strategically in the objects that need it, rather than throwing it in all the objects.

Of course rules have exceptions and it can be used for hundreds of objects, but performance will be affected in those amounts.

What is the difference between a Single User License and a Studio License?

A Single User license is tied to one person, while a studio seat can be used by multiple people on a single studio workstation.

I have trouble activating my Gumroad license

The License activation requires an internet connection. It can happen that the connection is blocked, due to a VPN or Firewall. In that case, please get the local licensing information and send it to me as described in the installation instructions.